Archive for May, 2012

Making the leap

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

Since I was 14 years old – listening to my parents talk about a guy that started a business and 5 years later sold it for $400 million – I’ve wanted to be in business, wanted to start my own business.  I’ve had many ideas over the years and recently began the process on one in particular.  A year later and we’ve made progress, but we’re still not live.  The reason, time.  Both myself and my main partner work full time jobs and have busy lives.  But recently I’ve had the itch more than before.  Not just the itch to do something, but the sensation that  I’ll have to really make the decision to jump in head first and make myself who I really want to be.  Why haven’t I done it yet? Fear.  Fear of success, fear that I’ll fail. To be honest, I’m not sure which scares me more.  In the end, I know there’s nothing I want more than to succeed.  For the first time, that want, that yearning, that NEED, is overtaking and consuming my fears.  I can hardly keep myself from completely jumping in now.  I know the time is soon coming and I’m working to be prepared for that day.  I can’t wait for that day…I will own that day…